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Dunwoody Nature Center Stream and Wetland Improvements

The project involves many stream, wetland, and boardwalk improvements along Wildcat Creek within the Dunwoody Nature Center property. Environmental benefits of the project include increased habitat for wildlife and improved water quality by stabilizing streambanks and by restoring the natural functions of wetland areas adjacent to the stream.

Visitors will also benefit from the redesign and extension of the existing boardwalk. The new and improved boardwalk will provide the ideal platform for students and visitors to observe Dunwoody’s aquatic resources.

Construction is expected to begin in the Fall of 2024 and last for approximately six months.

Click here or on the image provided to see the boardwalk concept.

Stream Restoration and Bank Stabilization

Stabilization will require installation of a rock toe, reconfiguration of existing in-stream structures, installation of a log vane to redirect flow, and bank grading. The project also includes the removal of invasive plant species from existing wetlands, installation of bat boxes, and planting native vegetation to support the restoration of the native forested wetland habitat.

The project is being funded through the City’s Stormwater Reserve and an EPD 319(h) Grant of $600,000. Total construction is expected to cost $1.72 million. The project will improve 274 feet of stream, restore wetland function, and involve the installation of an 800-foot boardwalk with outdoor classrooms.

Boardwalk Redesign

  • ADA Access
  • Connection to Playgrounds
  • 8-feet wide
  • Seating
  • Stream Access
  • Outdoor Classroom
  • Observation Decks
  • Increased height to avoid flooding

Click here or on the image provided to see the boardwalk concept.

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